Monday, December 1, 2008

Medieval Help Desk

7 1/2 Habits of Life Long Learning

After listening to the podcast and thinking about the 7 1/2 Habits of highly successful lifelong learners, I realized I really did like learning just for the sake of learning. And some of the information I have learned was trivial but every now and then it will become useful. The hardest habit for me is the third one--view problems as challenges. I need to view problems as something I can learn from, grow, and have a positive attitude about it, whatever the outcome. The easiest habit is PLAY!!!! And I could spend hours, and have done so, surfing the net, looking at new applications, reading about new technology, new books, new stuff. The only problem, I mean the only challenge I have is how to apply the cool stuff I find and with whom I should share it. So I just make lists and hopefully remember where I put them so when someone asks I can give them a great answer.

I am very excited about the Learning 2.0 program that we're hosting at LHS. The other members of the class seemed to have fun last time. For me it's an legitimate excuse to play with new technology on school time and with other educators!!!! And onto learning....